Красивая коричневая тема wordpress для сайтов посвященных бизнесу и финансовой тематике.
Тема переведена на русский язык.
В шаблон автоматически встроен блок с социальными закладками, который вы можете легко отредактировать и добавить сервисы которые вам кажутся наиболее популярными.
От авторов:
Once a philosopher said: “Give me a lever long enough and a fulcrum on which to place it, and I shall move the world.” Of course to do that, you don’t have to have a lever that long; all you need is a job. Discussion, seminar, brainstorm, it is adult doing business.
This working template is compatible with latest WordPress versions and of course, backward compatible. Coming with threaded comments and a couple of other useful settings and tested on major web browsers.
Business is not always that dull, it can be fun. Our template sucks the passionate clash of insights and tight schedule that you always see in biz show. Enjoy business.
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Бизнес тема для wordpress: Biz Daily Show
Красивая коричневая тема wordpress для сайтов посвященных бизнесу и финансовой тематике.
Тема переведена на русский язык.
В шаблон автоматически встроен блок с социальными закладками, который вы можете легко отредактировать и добавить сервисы которые вам кажутся наиболее популярными.
От авторов:
Once a philosopher said: “Give me a lever long enough and a fulcrum on which to place it, and I shall move the world.” Of course to do that, you don’t have to have a lever that long; all you need is a job. Discussion, seminar, brainstorm, it is adult doing business.
This working template is compatible with latest WordPress versions and of course, backward compatible. Coming with threaded comments and a couple of other useful settings and tested on major web browsers.
Business is not always that dull, it can be fun. Our template sucks the passionate clash of insights and tight schedule that you always see in biz show. Enjoy business.
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Опубликовано в рубриках: 2 колонки, Бизнес и финансы, Коричневый, Меню справа, Русский
Метки: Biz Daily Show, dark, fixed width, pagenavi, right sidebar, social bookmarking, threaded comments, two columns, valid css, valid xhtml, widget ready, wordpress, Бизнес, скачать Biz Daily Show, финнсы, Экономика