Очередная тема wordpress на финансовую и бизнес тематику. Но в этот раз шаблон полностью руссифицирован.
В шаблон автоматически встроен блок с социальными закладками, который вы можете легко отредактировать и добавить сервисы которые вам кажутся наиболее популярными.
От авторов:
No one can avoid these names – finance, credit, investments and banks. These economical categories play an important role in our daily life. We all have a duty of creating value in our lives and managing our personal finances. A shrewd manager of finances features a unique vision for investments and markets, which makes him or her outstanding and successful.
The finances template is compatible with latest WordPress versions and of course, backward compatible. Coming with threaded comments and a couple of other useful settings and tested on major web browsers.
It is difficult to predict the financial future. But, you can make a well-arranged plan for your personal finances. Not only the employers, managers and bosses need to manage their businesses, but also the employees should learn the financial management.
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Бизнес тема wordpress: Financial Channel
Очередная тема wordpress на финансовую и бизнес тематику. Но в этот раз шаблон полностью руссифицирован.
В шаблон автоматически встроен блок с социальными закладками, который вы можете легко отредактировать и добавить сервисы которые вам кажутся наиболее популярными.
От авторов:
No one can avoid these names – finance, credit, investments and banks. These economical categories play an important role in our daily life. We all have a duty of creating value in our lives and managing our personal finances. A shrewd manager of finances features a unique vision for investments and markets, which makes him or her outstanding and successful.
The finances template is compatible with latest WordPress versions and of course, backward compatible. Coming with threaded comments and a couple of other useful settings and tested on major web browsers.
It is difficult to predict the financial future. But, you can make a well-arranged plan for your personal finances. Not only the employers, managers and bosses need to manage their businesses, but also the employees should learn the financial management.
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Опубликовано в рубриках: 2 колонки, Бизнес и финансы, Меню справа, Русский, Черный
Метки: black, Financial Channel, fixed width, pagenavi, right sidebar, social bookmarking, threaded comments, two columns, valid css, valid xhtml, widget ready, Бизнес, Заработок, Финансы