Ювелирная тема wordpress: Deluxe lure

Ювелирная тема wordpress: Deluxe lure

Первая тема посвященная ювелирным изделиям. Что могу сказать, в принципе неплохо получилось.

В шаблон автоматически встроен блок с социальными закладками, который вы можете легко отредактировать и добавить сервисы которые вам кажутся наиболее популярными.

От авторов:

When you start to think about purchasing a diamond, you may naturally want the best one in the world. Jewelry can be found in a range of shapes, quality, sizes as well as colors. Different people may choose different types of jewelry for their parties or balls. I suppose no one can resist the temptation of diamonds, gold or pearl. Have you ever imagined taking all of them home? Actually, it is not out of the question. You can make your blog or personal website shinning as a diamond with the theme.

The beautiful jewelry template is compatible with latest WordPress versions and of course, backward compatible. Coming with threaded comments and a couple of other useful settings and tested on major web browsers.

The simple, clean and modern theme will be sure to be the first choice for your online space. If you want to let your friends find you as soon as possible, the template will not fail you. Above all, the theme will present all their users a sense of luxury and nobleness

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