Кулинарная тема wordpress: Terrific Taste

Кулинарная тема wordpress: Terrific Taste

Красивая и спокойная тема для создания кулинарного блога на wordpress.

В шаблон автоматически встроена широко используемая постраничная навигация Page Navi.

В шаблон автоматически встроен блок с социальными закладками, который вы можете легко отредактировать и добавить сервисы которые вам кажутся наиболее популярными.

От авторов:

Are you a real foodie? Have you tasted various delicious from different countries? There are a variety if methods of cooking. Can you cook tasty foods by yourself? Actually, the most entitative elements for delicious foods are art and nature. Some people think they have to give up their favorite foods to lose weight and stay healthy. However, tasty foods can be healthy and fat-free. So, don’t restrain yourself too much on tasty foods. Life is like a journey that needs to enjoy.

This clean and fresh template is compatible with latest WordPress versions and of course, backward compatible. Coming with threaded comments and a couple of other useful settings and tested on major web browsers.

Have you well prepared for cooking a tasty and mouth-watering deal? Fish, mushrooms, milk, vegetables and fruits will be sure to satisfy us a million. With such a tasty and wonderful foods theme, your blog will be filled with happiness and comfort.

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