Интернет тема wordpress: No Masks

Интернет тема wordpress: No Masks

Красивая темная синяя тема wordpress для блогов об интернете.

В данном шаблоне WordPress предусмотрено цитирование комментария, т.е. вам достаточно выделить кусок предыдущего ответа и он будет процитирован. Как это реализовано вы можете посмотреть на демо.

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Internet is one of the most important and influential creations in 20s century. Now the Internet has occupied a really vital position in our life. We’re used to communicating with others and expressing ourselves to others. It’s said that talking with your net friend is to wear the mask and speak out your true feelings.

This internet template is compatible with latest WordPress versions and of course, backward compatible. Coming with threaded comments and a couple of other useful settings and tested on major web browsers.

When you’re sad and it’s not convenient to express your emotions to your family and friends, you can freely speak out in the virtual space. Never inhibit any release of your pessimistic feelings.

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