Гостиничный шаблон wordpress: Hotel Rental Service

Гостиничный шаблон wordpress: Hotel Rental Service

Данный шаблон wordpress как понятно из названия идеально подойдет для блогов посвященных гостиничному бизнесу.

Данный шаблон WordPress совместим с последними версиями WordPress, а также версиями позднее 2.7.

От авторов:

Hotel has made accommodation a convenient thing for people on trips. Whatever is your purpose of travel, for business or leisure, and wherever you go, Europe or America, you will always need to find a hotel. Just image, how inconvenient it will be if there is no hotel? What if the hotel you rent can’t offer you satisfactory service at affordable prices? Indeed, there are hotels and hotels. The most important thing is to find a trustworthy hotel. It is advisable to keep a close eye on the changes and latest news of various hotels.

This hotel and rental template is compatible with latest WordPress versions and of course, backward compatible. Coming with threaded comments and a couple of other useful settings and tested on major web browsers.

There are so many recommendations and comments on different hotels that it will be as easy as rolling off a lag to determine which hotel you want to rent most.

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