Футбольная тема wordpress: Football World

Футбольная тема wordpress: Football World

Приближается Евро 2012 и я думаю многие хотят создать свой блог или сайт посвященный данному событию. Специально для вас представляю руссифицированный шаблон .

В шаблон автоматически встроена широко используемая постраничная навигация Page Navi.

От авторов:

Want to get the latest football information everyday? Are you looking forward to obtain more things about the famous football players? Don’t you want to know the exciting things about football events in Italy and Milan? For people who are crazy on football games, they will be quite glad to appreciate every spectacular football matches. It would be more breathtaking if you can see your favorite football teams or stars every day and know what they are doing right now.

This football template is compatible with latest WordPress versions and of course, backward compatible. Coming with threaded comments and a couple of other useful settings and tested on major web browsers.

Don’t hesitate to show your fiery passion on football! Hurry up to get more close to your favored football player or world cup team by updating your blog with our football theme. Just have a try and you will know how amazing it could be!

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